Monday, February 19, 2007

Mientras venian nuestras nuevas amigas, Rebecca y Abril, estuvimos adecentando la casa y asignando a cada uno su habitacion porque hasta ahora cada uno dormia donde podia.
Meanwhile our new friends (Rebecca and Abril) were coming to our house, we were cleaning the house.
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Fuyu esta mosqueada conmigo porque no le digo cuando sacaremos el single. Es una sorpresa.
Fuyu is annoyed because she wants to know when we are going to release our first single and I don't want to tell her the date. Is a surprise.
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Satsuki no lo sabe tampoco.
Satsuki doesn't know it too.
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A Fuyu no le gusta que las amigas de Sakurako sean tan poco puntuales asi que le pregunta a Athena si ya han llegado. Ella le responde que estan con Sasha asi que Fuyu va a buscarle.
Fuyu does not like unpuntual peolpe so she asked Athena if they have arrived yet. She answered yes, that they were with Sasha and Fuyu go to find him.
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Sasha: Os veo un poco incompletas
Abril: Es que nos han saqueado la ropa y los pelos
Sasha: I see you a bit incomplete
Abril: That's because someone has stolen us some clothes and hairs.
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Abril: Tu habitacion no esta nada mal Sasha, me gusta.
Abril: Your room rocks Sasha!
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Rebecca: Esas son las ladronas!
Rebecca: Here they are. The thieves!!
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Mientras, Fuyu seguia buscando a Sasha
Fuyu: Pues si no lo encuentro me quedo en mi habitacion.
Meanwhile, Fuyu continues searching Sasha
Fuyu: If I don't find him, I will stay on my room.
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Athena: Sakurako, ya te puedes ir a ver a tus amigas. Yo continuare vigilandolas.
Athena: Sakura, go to see your friends. I will continue keeping an eye on them.
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Saturday, February 10, 2007

A Zenaoi le regalaron cosas muy bonitas con el amigo invisible y se acordaron de mi
Zenaoi got great things at Secret Santa. There is one thing for me too.
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Yo la verdad es que estoy muy contento porque adoro los gorros
I'm happy because I love hats