Wednesday, July 26, 2006

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Satsuki: Os presento una postal de los fans de Sasha Mania ... y yo no salgo UU

Sasha: No te preocupes, seguro que saldras en proximas veces. Que molon que salgo!!

Fuyu: Que ilusion. No sabia que eramos tan importantes.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Satsuki: I'm going to present u a fanart from Sheryl, who is a great artist and a member of Pinky:Sp. I'm not drawn in that postal UU

Sasha: Take it easy! You'll see like next time you are in too. I'm really cool on that postcard!

Fuyu: Fantastic! I didn' ever think that we are that important.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

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Hola Chicos! Aqui Satsuki informandoos de nuestra excursion al Parc Güell. Fue muy divertida pero todo el mundo se nos quedo mirandonos. ¿Ya somos tan famosos?
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Hello guys! Satsuki's here to inform you about our trip to Parc Güell. It was funny but everybody was looking at us. Are we already famous?
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Sasha al habla! Nada mas llegar, nos vimos rodeados de otras pinkys y mientras zenaoi no paraba de hacernos fotos yo note que aquellas chicas querian acercarse a mi.
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Sasha's speaking! When we arrived, there were a lot of pinkys around us while zenaoi was taking us some photos. I feel that those pinkys wanted to be near me.
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Sasha: Habian niñas muy monas y otras a las que mejor no llevar la contraria ^^U.
Nota: Mirad a la chica que este encima de mi cabeza.

Satsuki: Yo tambien pase miedo ^^U

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Sasha: There were a lot of cute girls and others that is better don't contradict her ^^U
Note: See that girl upside my head.

Satsuki: I was worried too ^^U

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Menos mal que trajimos a Sakura, una de las guardaespaldas de Athena. Podreis ver a Athena en proximas presentaciones de nuestros amigos *^o^*
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At least, we had Sakura with us. She is one of Athena's boyguards. U could see Athena in next presentations of our friends *^o^*
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Pero no habia ninguna chica tan bonita como Fuyu
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But there was no girl as beautiful as Fuyu
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Sasha: Yo aun me pregunto, de que nos sonaba aquella chica

Satsuki: Mira que tenemos mala memoria

Fuyu: ... Paciencia, paciencia, son hermanos, se tienen que parecer ...

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Sasha: Now I'm thinking ... that girl was really similar to someone I know...

Satsuki: How bad memory we have!

Fuyu: ... Patience, patience, they are siblings, is normal that they are similar ....

Y finalmente, mas fotos de Sasha Mania para disfrutar.
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And finally, more Sasha Mania pics to enjoy them!
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Saturday, July 08, 2006

Yonkoma nº1 - Knowing Sasha's feelings - - Conociendo los gustos de Sasha -
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I'm going to present u Sasha Mania band!Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
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: Sasha

Signo zodiacal
: Libra

: Es un chico de 17 años que quiere ser una estrella del J-Pop. Nacio en Japon pero por consecuencias del destino llego a España.Sasha es un chico alegre, despierto y amigable que va a la escuela. Esta enamorado de una de sus compañeras de grupo: Fuyu.
Su grupo se llama Sasha mania y esta formado por Sasha, Fuyu y Satsuki

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Base: PK12
: 17
Zodiacal sign: Libra

: He is a 17 years old boy who wants to become a J-pop star. He was born on Japan but he is now in Spain.
Sasha is a happy boy, nice and "active"despierto who goes to school every day. He's in love with his mate band: Fuyu.
His band is called Sasha Mania and members are: Sasha, Satsuki and Fuyu.

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Base: PK06 Postpet
Nombre: Satsuki
Edad: 17
Signo zodiacal: Libra

Descripción: Ella es la gemela de Sasha. Toca la batería y crea el vestuario de Sasha Mania.

Si Sasha Mania no triunfa, planea convertirse en diseñadora de moda

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Base: pk06 Postpet Name:
Age: 17
Zodiacal sign: Libra

Description: She is Sasha's twin. She plays the drums and she creates the Sasha Mania wardrobe.

If Sasha Mania fails she plans to be a fashion designer.

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Base: Winter Festival
Edad: 18
Signo zodiacal: Virgo

Descripcion: Es una chica un tanto callada. Parece borde pero es que según ella, no tiene mucho que decir. Es un miembro de Sasha Mania, acompaña a Satsuki bailando Para Para cuando no toca la guitarra.

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Base: Winter Festival
Age: 18
Zodiacal sign: Virgo

Description: she is an introvertive girl. She seems a little borde but, as she says, she has nothing interesting to say. Is a Sasha mania member and she dance Para Para in the group with Satsuki when she is not playin her guitar.

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